Monday, June 15, 2009

Historical Novel Society Conference

The Historical Novel Society Conference ended yesterday - a rather amazing get-together with celebrity historical novelists wandering around acting just like regular people.

I was reminded that Elissa Elliott has two books I want to read - Eve, A Novel of the First Woman, and her memoirs, about finding her own way to a spirit-filled life.

I embarrassed myself with Anne Easter Smith, saying how much I'd enjoyed her book about Richard II. Doh! Richard III is the love interest in A Rose for the Crown, a wonderful read.

Margaret George was there, author of Mary, Called Magdalene, in which she brings to life the Magdalene - and in the process makes a reader think about fundamental questions of the spirit.

Anne Chamberlin, author of an underrated and magical trilogy called the Joan of Arc Tapestries, which begins with The Merlin of St. Gilles' Well.

These writers and literally dozens of others were generously accessible - despite being outnumbered by aspiring writers like myself. Actually, although the conference was geared towards writers, it would have been a great time for nonwriting readers as well.

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