Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Sunday, so Sullivan's thoughts are on God

Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Dish has three nice links today on the god gene:

  • the first, on how apes might see cause and effect, and could therefore be a whisper away from attributing unknown effects to a unseen, god force;

  • a lovely podcast of Sullivan in conversation with Bob Wright, a conversation that ranges across Buddha, weeds, Philo of Alexandria, and what the true goal of religion should be - to break down the walls be each of us individually to where we see we are all one - part of the body of Christ, as Sullivan says;

  • a good paragraph on abortion;

  • a link to an article on how development increases religousity;

  • and a link to an essay about how of course the earliest examples of human art would be obsessed with sex. And anyone who doesn't think that art and sex have to do with religion... hmm.

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